Our Mission:
We design simple, ingenious outdoor products to help you create good moments that become lasting memories.
Our Story.
Really. It’s true - In the late 2000's, one of our founders happened upon a donut recipe and became fascinated with how and why great content was becoming available on the Internet.
At the same time, Spencer and Jeff, brothers and co-founders of Solo Stove, were itching to start a business together and get back to doing the things they loved: spending time together and being outdoors. Making it happen wasn’t fast or easy but after two years and dozens of ideas, Solo Stove was founded in Jeff’s garage in 2010 as an e-commerce, outdoor brand. Our first product, the original Solo Stove Lite camp stove, was designed primarily for backpackers who appreciated an ultra-lightweight stove that required no more than sticks and leaves for fuel (easily found when hiking) and would boil water in under 10 minutes.
Within a couple of years, passionate “super-fans” emerged with feedback that we should design slightly larger stoves
for day hiking and car camping. We listened. The Titan and Campfire stoves entered the market. They were both
instant hits with our existing customers, and they helped us appeal to new customers in the camping category. As the
Solo Stove community grew, so did our excitement for helping people get outside to create amazing memories
with the people they love in their favorite places.
The community kept begging us to give them an even bigger flame. So in 2016, we announced plans to release Bonfire, a portable, nearly smokeless, incredibly efficient wood-burning fire pit. Bonfire was born in 2017 and so was the perfect backyard camping experience. Our community couldn’t have been more thrilled. Since its founding and con tinuing today, Solo Stove designs simple, ingenious outdoor products that help you enjoy good moments that turn into lasting memories. Whether it’s a mountain trail, a quiet moment, or a backyard party, we’re grateful to be a part of your Solo Stove experience, and look forward to the decades ahead of delivering products designed for sharing, surviving, storytelling, and s’mores that will bless generations to come.
Brand values
Do Good
Ours is truly a shared life experience, a shared humanity. We are one community living together in one big biosphere. We choose to do good in personal, tangible, intimate ways; meaning, we may not be leading a global cause, but find there are a myriad of immediate ways we can have meaningful impact with the people we can touch. We are thinking globally and acting tangibly.
Live Grateful
A better world depends on good companies doing the right thing. We believe good people make good companies. And the kind of people we look for are the grateful ones. People who are grateful that out of all the possibilities, we get the moments we have right in front of us. We look for people that get that. People, driven by gratitude, that make things better wherever they go.
Have Integrity
We are diligent and intentional when it comes to doing the right thing. It is a process of serving stakeholders not just stockholders, where the company, staff, customers, and community benefit and grow, together. We take care of each other. We make things right. On purpose.
Be Authentic
Because we genuinely want the best for everyone, we call it as it is. True to who we are. True to our good intentions. While we know at times we fall short, we choose to focus on the positive. Positivity and negativity are contagious and we want to do our part.
First off, thank you for being a part of our story for the past decade. In 2011 two brothers came together on a mission to help people reconnect to what matters most. It started with a small camp stove but has evolved to so much more. Today thousands of people gather with friends and family to create good moments and lasting memories with the people and places they love. We have made it this far because of your support, feedback, encouragement, and patience. We’re proud of the brand that we created together and feel inspired to continue helping others enjoy simple, yet profound experiences. If there is one thing we have learned over the past 10 years, it’s that listening to and taking great care of our customers is the right way to build a brand. We haven’t been perfect, in fact far from it, but we sincerely want to take exceptional care of our customers. You deserve so much of the credit for what Solo Stove is today and we are humbled and grateful that you have invited us to your homes, campgrounds, and outdoor adventures. You have shared stories, responded to questions, provided feedback and flat out put us in our place when it was needed. We will continue to focus every day on delivering an exceptional customer experience for you and we will continue to design, manufacture and deliver great, simple products that help you create good moments and lasting memories.
I’m excited to share some big news with you. Solo Stove has joined a family of brands under the parent company Solo Brands. In many ways, it will look and feel the same to you, but by joining together, this family of brands will be stronger together. We expect Solo Brands to grow over time, but to start, the brands that are coming together are Chubbies (chubbiesshorts.com), ISLE (islesurfsup.com), Oru Kayak (orukayak.com), and of course Solo Stove (solostove.com). When formulating this partnership, we set out to see if there were brands that were helping people create good moments in their own way that we could bring together to reach even more people and do more to create good moments for people everywhere. We were excited to meet other entrepreneurs who were building brands like we were, with a focus on putting smiles on faces. We were lucky to meet Kyle, Rainer and Tom, co-founders at Chubbies, Anton and Ardy, co-founders at Oru, and Doug, co-founder at ISLE. Each of these brands is amazing in its own, individual way. But together, we are excited to share goodness and happiness with all. There will be lots of questions and probably strong opinions and we encourage you to share them with us. We want to hear from you. But for now, we just simply wanted you to know what we were up to and let you know that we are as committed now as we have ever been at designing products and building brands that help you live a good life. Because we believe that living a good life is living your best life.
Thank you again for being a part of our story and joining our mission to create good moments that lead to lasting memories.
John Merris
CEO, Solo Stove