Our Culture
Solo Brands Cultural Values
Boldly Entrepreneurial
We value creativity and originality. We take risks, think differently and challenge accepted norms.
We are inquisitive & resourceful. We hire great people & find ways to do more with less.
We invest in ourselves and seek opportunities for continuous improvement. We have a passion for learning.
Every day is the new baseline.
We bias towards action. We are decisive and make decisions at the speed required by our business.
Customer > Company > Self
We are selfless and prioritize the customer above all else. We treat our customers like friends.
We create experiences that others cannot and aim to create a lasting impression.
Every member of our team is a team player, willing to coach and to be coached.
We are collaborative and proactive in communication. Our team's success is our success.
Results Oriented
We value results. We do what it takes to get the job done. Working hard and smart are the best ways to impact positive results.
We value high performance. To the extent possible, we use data to set objectives & measures results.
Our team takes pride in setting ambitious goals and meeting their objectives.
We take ownership over our roles & responsibilities. We make decisions like business owners.
We value leadership. We lead by example and feel a sense of obligation to the broader vision.
We are proactive, thoughtful and show up prepared. Our teammates expect it and we expect it of them.
We are believers and take pride in our work. We have an optimistic outlook and positive attitude.
We are humble and welcoming in our interactions with our community.
We are the brand. We strike a unique balance between getting the job done, striving for excellence & enjoying ourselves while we're doing it.
Be the Good
We do business with integrity, in a way our families and friends would be proud of.
We intentionally include and seek diverse team members. We empower others to find their voice and share ideas and perspectives.
We contribute to the health of our community and planet through our actions and philanthropic partnerships.
We partner closely with our suppliers to help them meet and exceed our standards.