To our customers.
First of all, thank you for supporting us on our journey. We could not be where we are without you and for that we are eternally grateful.
Now, the big question - why did we come together to build Solo Brands?
The short story: to empower each and every one of our brands to better serve you, our customers and community.
The long story: we fundamentally believe that the future of commerce should be built by unique, distinctive, amazing brands that form genuine connection with their audience in a responsible and accountable manner. We believe a brand’s emotional connection with their customers is the most critical factor to support and uplift, and we believe the way to do that is 1) deliver incredible customer experiences, 2) build best-in-class products for, and with our community, and 3) do so in a manner that is accountable to our followers, friends, families, team-members, and to the environment.
While we don’t define ourselves by our antithesis, it’s important to note that this means we do not believe in a future of commerce dominated by one or a few megastores that stock everything from A to Z which you access through the impersonal search bar at the top of a site.
We exist to uplift the brand. We exist to uplift unique and passionate communities. We exist to uplift our employees. And we exist to uplift our environment and to build a better model for conscious retail.
It’s important to note that this is just the beginning. We are still learning about how to navigate this journey, but we are 100% aligned on, and maniacally driven by, our true north.
Each of us joined Solo Brands because we are better together. We believe that in order to create this future of unique and distinctive brands, we will need help. We will need to share our expertise. We will need to share resources. We will need to learn as a unit in order to grow as individual brands. From a customer experience perspective, anything less than the absolute best is unacceptable, and while we’ve banded together we truly think of ourselves as a band of rebels building the future of commerce in a world where the constant question is “When will the Megastores muscle in?”
We say go ahead. Do it. Let’s see what happens.
Our brands are some of the best on the planet. Not just our products (they are), not just our customer experiences (check), but our commitment to do better for our communities, employees, and the environment. We look around at this team of brands and are truly inspired by one another, challenged by one another, and grateful to be in such company.
Our commitment to you, our customers, is that not only will we not lose any of our brand DNA, our creativity, our customer experience, or our commitment to our community, but that along the way we will become even better. We will do more for our customers. We will do more for the broader community. And we will do more for the environment. We ask that you hold us accountable, as anything short of meeting your absolute highest expectations just doesn’t work for us.
Thank you for supporting us thus far - each of you truly are co-founders in this enterprise. Remember, this is just the beginning so buckle up - it’s going to be one heck of a ride.
Anton, Ardy, Doug, John, Kyle, Rainer & Tom